"A Small Advertising Agency With Big Ideas"

Radio & TV

For a number of restaurants, broadcast advertising makes sense. We've done quite a bit of radio & television and know whether it's right for you. We can write your copy, produce the commercials and plan and buy the media. Because of our experience we can advise you on which stations will work best for your restaurant and which dayparts/shows are most effective.

Zocalo: The Passion of Authentic Mexican Cuisine

Special Promotions

Whether its Mother's Day or Cinqo de Mayo, a wine tasting or a New Year's Eve celebration, Retele's skill at special event planning will help insure that your event is a successful event.

Web Sites

We can create and host your web site. Of course, your site should contain your logo, location, hours of operation, a phone number and a description of your reataurant. It could be enhanced with photos and graphic treatments, motivating copy, menu selections and special event announcements. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a presence on the Internet.

When it Comes to Restaurant Communications....

We're Cookin!

Since Retele opened its doors in 1986, we've been helping a growing number of resturants bring in new customers. Here's what we can do for your Restaurant.


Latanzi Logo

Print Ads

Whether its a simple two inch B & W, or a full color spread, our creative touch will make your ad stand out and motivate prospects


Waterfront Alehouse:Lotsa Great Beer...Lotsa Great Food

Slogans, Logos, Graphic Design!

A clever slogan and a tasteful "look" are important to any business, but particularly for restaurants, where image counts for a lot. Retele can create a clever slogan for your eatery (as we have for most of the restaurants shown here) and graphic treatments you can be proud of


Relationship Marketing

Keeping your current customers and attracting new ones should be a high priority. Retele knows how to develop direct mail programs to do this, whether it's a newsletter, a postcard campaign, or a series of well written letters/flyers. An attractive brochure mailed to local residents can go a long way.


Call Retele for a free consultation and hear what we can do for your restaurant!

(203) 769-5618


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